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Lions Clubs International - District 105M

Ordinary People doing Amazing Things

Webmaster/Webmistress (depending on my mood)

Lion Joy Haffner

  I am Married to Ian who is a Past District Governor and currently serving as GLT Coordinator and LCIF Officer. Have One son Adam aged 35 who is married to Layla. I became a Nanna to my first Grandchild William on the 31st December 2012 and my second Zackary born on the 24th August 2015.....

I became a member of Worcester Lions Club in 2005. During my time in Lions I have been Tail Twister, an active member of the Projects Committee, Public Relations Officer and House and Social. I am Club President for the 2nd year running, still on House & Social, Projects Team, Welfare Committee and anything else I'm asked to do...... I am currently serving my 3rd year as President of which I am very proud.

This is my sixth year as Webmistress;) which is part of the Communications Committee, and I love my role. I have also in the past been on the Committees for two Multiple District Convention and one District Convention which was hosted by the zone. I was also been Convention Host Chairman for a District Covention hosted by Worcester Lions Club.

As District Webmaster it is my job to ensure that the District has an up to date and relevant presence on the Internet. I am not responsible for the content of the site but for publishing content provided by District Officers and others and ensuring that the content conforms to the overall style of the web site.

As IT Coordinator my role is to promote and encourage the use of IT throughout the District. I am available to provide help and guidance to any club wanting to set up or improve their own site. I am also the focal point for communication within the District, maintaining a mailing list of all Club Presidents and Secretaries as well as District Officers and any other Lion who wishes to receive communcations via e-mail.

E-mail me at, or ring me on 07703034625.

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