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Lions Clubs International - District 105M

Ordinary People doing Amazing Things

Coventry Walkathon 2009

District Governor Andy Pemberton of 105M together with the Coventry Leofric Lions Fundraising Chairman Reg Brown kick start the 2009 Coventry Walkathon by making the draw for £1000.

This is money raised from the 2008 event and was contested by most of the walkers by answering a picture quiz has they walked. They had to be observant because the pictures were of obstacles around the walk. There were more correct answer than we anticipated hence the Draw so it was agreed to have four winners .

The Lord Mayor of Coventry Councillor Andy Matchet together with the Lions president Charles Harlock and the Walkathon coordinator Reg Brown launched the 2009 event. They gave away four £250 pound cheques, two to Warwickshire & Coventry Scope a further cheque to Cancer Research and the last one to Coventry International Ice Skating Club. Leo the Lions mascot together with the Lord Mayor are shown giving Jesyka from the Ice Skating club their cheque.

The Coventry Walkathon organised by Coventry Leofric Lions Club will be taking place on Sunday 10th May 2009 for the 14th consecutive year. Local Charities have raised a staggering £140,000.00 plus during this period.

This is your opportunity to raise money for charities. We deal with the red tape, organisation of the event and the Health and Safety leaving walkers to concentrate on fund raising. The more walkers you have on the day walking for your charity the more you will raise!

This year it's a walk in The Memorial Park for fun starting at 11.oclock. Each lap is 1.75 miles and you do as many laps as you wish. You can come in fancy dress and there will be a prize for the most original costumes.

The Coventry Walkathon is one of the Midlands biggest fundraisers, where all the money raised goes to the walkers pledged charity or good courses. This year for the first year the Lions are nominating Diabetes UK as the Prime charity and they hope that individuals as well as companies will commit them selves to raising funds for this worthy cause ,

You can down load an entry form if you require any further information please contact Reg Brown on 07766667349 or email


Saturday 1st August 2009 at 12.00noon

Anyone wishing to take a stall or requires further information please contact: Lion President - Charles Harlock

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